Umble + Matchbox Build Report

Started by mydementia, July 04, 2006, 08:17:33 PM

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My name is Mike, and I'm a JFET emu-aholic...
This four day weekend has been great for building...I stopped by my local surplus store yesterday and picked up lacking parts for an Umble (ROG:, a Matchbox (ROG:, and to rebuild my Thunderchief (ROG:  I built the Matchbox yesterday and the Umble today.

Fairly easy build (used Torchy's Vero layout: - everything biased right off.  The 2P6T tone control is pretty favorite settings are definitely at the D, E, and F settings.  I'm not getting anywhere near the sound the boys over at ROG are getting on this one though... (not as 'different world' as my Double D was build of that one is just bad...still don't know why...sitting on workbench...).  I'm still not sure what the 'Cut' control does... doesn't seem to be cutting anything on my practice amp...  Since I've never played a Matchless DC30 - I'm not sure what it's supposed to sound like...but there are useable tones on hand.  Still can't decide if this one gets boxed up next to Dr. Boogey or not...

Built this one directly from the ROG perf layout - nice to get back to perf every now and again.  After fixing my wiring everything worked great (I used the inverse of this thread from DaveEason: - in the schem, it sure looks like the 330p/220k network should go to Vol2...not 3...).  Had a tough time biasing Q2... the rest went right in.  The tones in this build are EXCELLENT!  I didn't experience the gain showcased in the ROG soundclip...but I haven't put in my main rig yet and tried pushing it with a little booster.  This one is going in my Marshall Gov'nor enclosure - never liked that one anyway! 

Thanks again to the guys at ROG for all their hard work on these JFET emu's. 