Building a 9v powersupply for multiple pedals

Started by chieljan, October 09, 2006, 06:24:22 AM

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hey people!

Surfin around at GeneralGuitargadgets, I came across 2 power supplies:
- the regulated power supply (
- the ultra clean power supply (

Which one is best? the ultra clean one seems to me like a very good one, that will probably power some very old pedals I have with no trouble. Anyone who has experience with one or both?

And can I use an ordinary 24V/12V adaptor to give  it the power it needs? (don't like the idea of fiddling with transformers and AC, got 30 seconds of 230V through me at a gig one time, was not nice)

Thanks in advance!
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or His Dudeness or Duder or El Duderino if you're not into that whole brevity thing.


I'm sorry I don't have an answer to your question bu instead yet another question? How did you manage to get _30_ seconds of 230V AC into yourself? Since AC throws you away I mean. I once got like half a second of 230V in me and that was unpleasant enough.


hey KaptenSpark!

Well, some dumb guy put a piece of tape on the ground connection of the wall wart (is that the right word? You know, the thing in the wall you plug in to for electricity :) ) because it solved the humming of the stage lights. Somewhere was a broken wire between this wall wart thing and my amp, that made the + wire and the ground wire connect, so the chassis of my amp and my guitar had +230V on them. If the ground connection hadn't been taped, the fuses would have immediatly blown when I plugged in, but now nothing seemed wrong. I wore shoes with rubber soles, so I didn't ground. Everything seemed normal.
until, with in one hand the guitar, I grabbed the microphone in front of me, which made a ground connection... BANG. since I GRABBED it, the electricity now running through me made all of my muscles contract, so I couldn't let go of the mic, just held on to it harder. Took 30 seconds before someone realised what was going on and pulled the plug...

There's the story, hope it's clear because I'm not too good at typing stories in english... So hey, make sure all your equipment's grounded ;) although I think you already realised that, being zapped yourself;)
I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or His Dudeness or Duder or El Duderino if you're not into that whole brevity thing.


since I GRABBED it, the electricity now running through me made all of my muscles contract, so I couldn't let go of the mic, just held on to it harder.
  Tha'ts what I heard about it...some people in certain Circumstances will get knocked away, or repelled from the Charge, others will latch on...all has to do with the direction of flow and the internal wiring...or something like that.
  Only one way to find out easily, and you donne wanna do that NO.
  Anyway, you can consider a Visual Sound One Spot Adapter, this is the best adapter purchase I've ever made, I don't know how/why it's such a low noise power source, but it is, and puts out 1700 ma., enough for Lotsa medium draw pedals :icon_wink:.
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