TS808 troubleshooting: no sound

Started by afischer82, July 12, 2006, 01:18:31 PM

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I finished my first build last night, a TS808 clone, and to my utter amazement it worked on the first try.  I went to try it out again this morning (i didn't really get to turn it up last night since it was late), and for some reason I get no sound.  The LED lights up, and at first i would get sound if i shifted the pedal around a bit (not everything was mounted in their solidly yet).  I got a consistent signal after a bit of shifting, but as soon as i hit the switch to turn it on, it cut out, and that's the last i heard of it.  My first theory was that the signal was shorting somewhere due to everything being mounted loosely.  I mounted up everything, made sure there was adequate spece between all of the parts, but still nothing.  Any suggestions?

I know there was a section of GEOFEX debugging page about getting no sound once the effect is in the enclosure, which i think may cover my issue, but the owner of GEO let their domain registration lapse, and i can no longer get to it. 



Convention creates following, following creates convention.


We heve at least 2 pages for troubleshooting here, and you don't even have to look hard for them, but I'll link you through:
Topic: What to do when it doesn't work  (Read 5962 times)
Topic: Most likely things wrong if a pedal doesn't work  (Read 302 times)


Topic: What to do when it doesn't work  (Read 5962 times)
...I don't think I've read it THAT :icon_lol: many times...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Sorry to be such a newbie on that post.  I did find the "what to do when it doesn't work" section right after I posted initially.  I guess like every other newbie I have a tendency to think my problem is "unique" and won't be covered by an FAQ :)  It was just very peculiar to me that it worked, and then didn't just like that. 

The good news is that I'm back up and running.  When I finally got to the GEOFEX page I started disassembling the pedal and noticed that one of the lugs on the 1/4" output jack was touching the enclosure.  I turned it around, tried it again, and I'm good to go. 

Again, I apologize for cluttering the forum, but thanks for your help!



  No Problem...That'll do 'er...
  Boxing up circuits can be a pain sometimes.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.