Need help designing a power supply

Started by fikri, July 12, 2006, 01:43:33 PM

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Hello, I am  experimenting with some starved plate tube project, and need help on designing the power supply. If your looking at the Tube driver or shaka tube project, or other starved plate project, would it be possible to share the DC voltages for the fillament and the circuit ?
I want to build the power supply as small as possible, how much the minimum current rating for the tranny  ? what can you suggest me for the regulator ? i want to make sure that it is simple (but not noisy !)

Thanks alot !

Mike Burgundy

For guitar projects, you don't need excessive regulation on filaments. There are several good projects on low-voltage tube (or valve, for all you Brits :D ) online, as you have found. There's also datasheets galore online. Since the circuit (the audio circuit) shouldn't draw too much current (and assuming you're not going for a supply that does 101% but not more  of what you want) you should be pefectly fine even if you go for filament power plus a bit. So yes, should be fine. If you choose right. This depends on the circuit. Just make sure you keep it safe and adhere to electronic conventions, rules of common snense, and such. If you have *any* doubt at all, ask. It's what were here for. Kinda. ;)
Should there be any kind of excessive noise or non-intenional behaviour or mushroom-shaped smoke-clouds, check back, too ;)

Basically, I'm busy, but if you PM me I'll give you a headstart. That said, All'yall, keep on advising!