Disassembling a metal case dano pedal

Started by billings, July 15, 2006, 03:02:11 AM

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I own a Daddy-O pedal.  A while back I was in the mood to take apart things, so I tried to take it apart.  Managed to get three of the screws off of the outer casing and gave up on the fourth.  I came back to it tonight, though, and finally managed to get the fourth screw off by manhandling it with my angle pliers for a while.  Underneath I found two of the same kinds of screws holding in a in/out/power board; one of those gave some trouble, too, but I was able to get a better angle on it.  Finally, on the last board I managed to get two smaller screws out easily before running into a third one that was a little stripped and a fourth one that appeared to have been soldered into place on one side.

Is this just the way things go with their products?  I knew the $20 plastic ones were pretty much disposable, but somebody paid good money for this hunk of metal.  Is this carelessness/indifference on their part or outright antagonism against the curious hobbyist?


When I took my daddyO appart, there was no stuck screws. Piece of cace, actually. The thing that was hard on mine was loosening the knobs..
My diy-site: www.syndromet.com


Quote from: syndromet on July 15, 2006, 09:41:58 AM
When I took my daddyO appart, there was no stuck screws. Piece of cace, actually. The thing that was hard on mine was loosening the knobs..

Same here.  Sounds like somebody was hack modding it before you got it, or it was Monday (or Friday) when yours (billings) was assembled.  Did you get it used?



Assuming you used a #2 phillips on the main enclosure screws and *at least* a #1 phillips on the circuit board, correct?

I've taken tons of them apart, never had a problem, AS LONG as I used the correct screwdriver...that's the only thing I can think of unless the screws were stripped to start with.
