Jfet booster vs. Minibooster

Started by Stephen, July 16, 2006, 11:11:30 AM

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Have you noticed all the schemes with fets and trims on the drain?  The mini-booster is self biasing if you measure the drain on the bottom fet it is always 4.50 volts.. Makes you wonder :icon_question:
Why not use the mini-booster instead of boosters with trims, I know some of the stages are made for less gain. But fets are really all over the place!!
You could add a resistor on the bottom source for less gain and also a cap if you like...
You know though I cannot design a mini-booster or a fet booster circuit that will not squell with J201. I have better luck with MPF102..

Is it true that the wave form of the input is the same as the wave form of the output if you only use an even amount of fets....So you really need an odd mini-booster rig to help with squell?? Because when all is together everything is so close and with mechanical switches with oscillation problems etc. this would help??

Is this the same with the Llama  although they are non invering, yet if I use three stages, an added pregain..GUESS no oscillation!!!

Whewww is that a mouth full..Sorry..