Doubt with connections.-

Started by QSQCaito, July 29, 2006, 12:05:41 AM

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Hihi, it's me again.. Regarding the drawing posted below, which i'll explain further, i have a doubt: it's the ground connection ok, in order to avoid loops, because as i've read the negative of the battery, should be kept away from the negative of the guitar signal.. but there's also one more question, is it ok to have ground input, and output too close together??

What you can see is the R.G.'s remote switching, all done together in the same PCB of the effect in order to run less wires, some connections are done through traces in the pcb. The example is with a PT2399 delay app circuit which can be found at geofex. Battery will be, in reality, R.G.'s spyder with an on/off switch, i draw a battery for simplicity.
One more question and i swear i'll stop bothering :P(at least for the next 10minutes:P), will this disposition generate any humm, or something(loss signal, whatever) if it's run through 6/7 effects?

Thank you all a lot from advanced

Hope it helps somebody else too.

Bye bye

Diego Andrés Cao

PS i edit something that i forgot to add, the negative of the signal incoming from the guitar will be shielded, as all enclosures will be like small racks touching one another, they'll all be shielded, so i'll shield it through the jack.. shields by itself really..

bye bye

no one ever

Quote from: QSQCaito on July 29, 2006, 12:05:41 AM
Hihi, it's me again.. Regarding the drawing posted below, which i'll explain further, i have a doubt: it's the ground connection ok, in order to avoid loops, because as i've read the negative of the battery, should be kept away from the negative of the guitar signal.. Don't know where you heard that, but it will be fine. All grounds are connected at some point for power to flow.but there's also one more question, is it ok to have ground input, and output too close together?? I don't understand what you're saying.
(chk chk chk)


R.G. said in the post that someone asked for avoiding ground loops, some posts below this one:

"...connect signal ground to the chassis at one and only one place, counting where the jacks touch it. And take your power connect to the power source separately from your input signal ground. "


"...connect signal ground to the chassis at one and only one place, counting where the jacks touch it.
  This is to keep current from flowing from different places on the enclosure, and through it I think, and would require at least one insulated jack.
  And take your power connect to the power source separately from your input signal ground. "
  I usually run all the grounds from the ground on the one would Gnd. wire would go to the power, one to the jacks, then the other grounds too [where indicated on schem].
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I will only use 2 jacks.. one for guitar in. On for output to amp.. all effects will be soldered one to each other, to avoid using plenty of jacks, i will probably make one send and return before the delay..

couldn't understand what you were trying to say petemoore :( ill read it a couple more times to see if i get it.

Finally, what i'm going to do(shown in the drawing) is correct?
Any improvement to it, is there going to be any problem with it(ground loops, whatever)??

Thank you a lot lot, thanks for all the help.

bye bye!



One thing i forgot to add, i put the battery gnd in another trace to keep voltage line away from signal.


bye bye