Will this do in place of a TL071?

Started by Burstbucker, July 31, 2006, 09:43:15 AM

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Sorry if this question is lame but does an NTE857=TL071?

There's a shop in town that stocks electronic parts, I asked them for a TL071 and they cross-referenced it to a NTE857.  Will there be any difference between these two opamps, am I okay to go with this NTE857 or should I try to find an actual TL071?



In my experience the NTE cross references have been fine, although I've really only used it for transistors that my local shop didn't have in stock.  It would be cool to have an online cross reference for everything that NTE makes.  Maybe there already is one?  I haven't bothered to search and it never really occurred to me until now.  I say go for it and see if it works and what it sounds like!


Andy Harrison
It's all about signal flow...
Hairyandy's Layout Gallery

Paul Marossy

My very first project used an NTE equivalent opamp. It worked just fine.


Hey thanks for your advice guys, that's a big help!