Cool Cat Chorus schematic

Started by Chris S, October 01, 2003, 10:10:19 PM

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Chris S

Does anyone have a danelectro cool cat chorus schematic?
i am wanting to decrease the amount of chorused signal in the over all sound. So it is more clean signal and less chorused signal.

Thanks Heaps!


I know that this is a TERRIBLY old topic, but does anyone have a cool cat schematic? I have one that I absolutely adore, but it's behaving strangely, so I am looking for a schematic so that I can begin my diagnosis. I plan to rehouse, so that I can replace the pots and the momentary switch, but would LOVE to see what it's supposed to be doing.


newbie builder

I don't have the schmatic but will say if the thing is dying you're probably best of buying a new one. Those surface mount components are too small to easily modify and figure out whats wrong with them. None of the dano pedals are much money- I'd buy a new one and rehouse it immideatly so that it's TB and gig worthy. Clay jones has drawn up lots of dano schematics- that might be one of them. I'm not sure though, he might've just done the drive circuits.


Just an FYI, the CoolCat is NOT a mini pedal or a fab pedal, and they usually retail for about $79 plus shipping. I don't recall what I paid for mine, but I would certainly prefer to repair ANYTHING that I have and like than to throw it out for a new one, even if it is ONLY $80 or so.