Muff Fuzz Saturation

Started by mongoonlypawn, July 30, 2006, 03:28:36 PM

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I've just breadboarded a Muff Fuzz clone based on J.D. Sleep's schematic.  I've replaced the .1 uf input cap with .0047 for some more brightness.  Both trannies are 2N5088's.  Initially I used SI diodes (1N4003, I think), but it seems like I get a more aggressive fuzz by replacing one with a cheap LED.

I had a Muff Fuzz about 25 years ago, although I don't know if it had transistors or op amps.  I remember it as having more output and saturation than this one.  Heck, with a Peavey SS amp and an Ibanez Blazer, I used to get feedback drone at volume levels you could talk over. 

How can I get some more muscle/saturation out of this puppy?  Are op amps the way to go?


B Tremblay

Such a small input cap will severely limit the signal that can be amplified to the point of distortion, resulting in a lesser effect than the one you remember.  Did you try using the stock input cap?
B Tremblay

burnt fingers

I'll second the input cap suggestion.  The bigger the input cap, the more you can slam the trannies into saturation.  As for the diodes, I've never had much fondness for the 1n400x as clippers.  Maybe try the 1n914's or 1n 4148's. 

Rock and Roll does not take a vacation!!
My Music

tiges_ tendres

the opamp version is loud.  I would say almost too loud, but how could that ever be true!

The diodes will make a big difference in the loudness also.  Having no diode in mine was ridiculous.  I ended up putting two germanium diodes in mine, so now its more of a drive than a fuzz.

leds were good

general 1n914, 1n4148 types fed back a lot.
Try a little tenderness.


My Muff Fuzz has both the opamp and the tranny Muff Fuzz in the same box with a switch so I can toggle between the two.  With stock schem builds the opamp one has no doubt more saturation then the transistor version.  They sound different from each other and that's what I like about them.  My opamp MF is a little noisy with sputter and fizzle I'm not sure why yet.


Thanks, gang.  Point taken about the input cap, although I want more treble than the stock value can offer.  Compromises, compromises.    I tried various diode combinations, but a pair of 1N914s sound pretty good to me.  I will probably breadboard an op amp version and see how I feel about it. 

oldrocker, I'm a rookie at this, but do you have 4558s in your unit?  I'm told they're pretty noisy, compared to (let's see if I have this right) TLO-72s and their premium kindred.


I used TL082's in mine.  It sounds really close to the Fuzz Face I built.  I'm going to try some TL072's in it to see if there is any difference.

B Tremblay

Quote from: mongoonlypawn on August 01, 2006, 01:47:27 PM
Thanks, gang.  Point taken about the input cap, although I want more treble than the stock value can offer.  Compromises, compromises.   

Have you tried a different (as in smaller) output cap?
B Tremblay


I tried using smaller value output caps, and it brightened things up, but I didn't like the tone as much.  When I get back from vacation, I'll be able to tinker with a bit more focus.  I'm more hesitant about changing pot or resistor values, but might this help?



In the op amp Muff Fuzz wierd things happen if you don't have a resistor across the diodes.  Try a 470K or so.   :icon_cool:
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


OK WGTP.  I didn't know that.  I'll give that a shot.  Thanks.


I'm not quite sure how the feedback network would react to this, but it might be possible to get a bit more treble by putting a small cap in parallel with R5. I would try something around 0.1µF for starters.