Question about cutting traces on Vero

Started by Hiwatt25, August 05, 2006, 03:53:58 PM

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I've read that a 5mm drill bit will do the trick but do I actually drill through the board or can I just "knick" the top until the trace is gone?  It seems that the 5mm bit would dig into the adjacent traces.  Thanks in advance.

343 Salty Beans

just nick the top. once you have completely cut the trace, there's no need to drill any further. The best way to do it (to assure you don't nick the other traces too) is by hand...just twist the drill bit manually.


Another speedy reply.  Thanks!  And back to the garage I go.... ;)


I just bought a stripboard cutter, the best £2.99 I ever spent !!
Looks like a screw driver, with handle and has a 5mm drill bit embedded, so simple !
I had given myself several nasty blisters, just using a bare drill bit  :icon_redface:
This thing takes three "twists" and its done :D

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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I've found several of these online called "spot face cutters" but they only seem available for places in the UK.  What gives?

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Quote from: Hiwatt25 on August 05, 2006, 04:31:28 PM
I've found several of these online called "spot face cutters" but they only seem available for places in the UK.  What gives?

The problem is, Vero is English. So (for once!) there is something easier to find in the UK or Australia.
Personally, I prefer a battery operated drill & a short bit (intended for pop rivet holes). It takes a fairly steady hand not to drill right thru the board (it's a mess if you do) but, if klutzy me can do it... you'll be OK!

Gilles C

They are available locally here in Quebec Canada, which is a small place compared to Toronto for example. The only problem is that they cost around $10.00 but I suppose it's because they don't sell a lot.

Their site here in french...

But on Vero site

they give the names of distributors.
