First -new- build in awhile -- Dr. Boogey

Started by Somicide, July 31, 2006, 05:24:20 AM

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Bought time I Got back to builiding (only so much modding can do to a DS-1).  I'm going off Xavier's perf layout, and all my parts are ordered and on their way.  I'm making an enclosure from an old PA chassis, looking to make it EH-style, possibly with wood or something reinforcing the sheet metal around the switch to prevent caving/crushing, depending on the sturdyness.  Will keep you posted!
Peace 'n Love


I've gotten all my parts together now, they've all arrived.  I'm housing it in an Ex-DS-1 enclosure.  I've also remember why I don't like perf so much.  This layout is very tight, Xavier wasn't lying.  Only one hitch so far, my trimpots are not vertical as recommended by Xavier, they're horiz, and as such didn't quite fit.  The problem has been remedied by mounting them to small portions of leftover perf, and running leads (excess from other components) from the perf to the main board, creating a jury-rigged vert-trimpot.  When in doubt, rig it!  Due to my bench being at my bassist's, we're looking at about a week before finishing this.
Peace 'n Love