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Main Menu PT2399

Started by QSQCaito, August 05, 2006, 05:09:03 PM

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Okok, this tiny circuit, for what i've read it's a bit hated, a lot of failed reports. And tonepad's they say is better.
I started to build it long before i knew tonepad's web, it was done long ago, i was just missing the PT2399.
The thing is that i got it yesterday. The only problem i had, which was checked before installing the circuit, was that i was getting 8 volts instead of the 5 i should, i checked more datasheets, turned the 78l05 and it have me 5.3volts.
After a desesperating moment, i had no enough guitar wires, so i improvised one. I wasn't getting any delay, my fault, just a turn to the pots and i was working fine. Fired at once, my philosophy, taken from this forum, is that if everything is correct, it should work. Well, iwas getting much more delay than i needed. A check to the PT2399's datasheet to check R values and i ended up putting the smallest i had. A 5 0hm choke. I think i'm getting probably maximum 700miliseconds delay, which is much more than i need. In maximum delay time sounds distorted, but if i turn repeats to 50% it sounds totally clean. It also gives a cool like "reverb-surround" depending on how you set it.
I'd recommend it for its simplicity, very easy to make, components are erfect order. Well just my humble opinion. I'll try to record any sample soon, so you will judge for yourself.

Bye bye



For if you might be interested here are two clips

First is delay, second delay while using slide:P(i still suck at it xD)

Sample 1

Sample 2

Hope you enjoy them.

Sorry for the bad upload page, i don't know any other that is easier  :-\

bye bye