Need help with OLD Morley Chrome Wah Volume WVO.

Started by BigT, August 11, 2006, 12:41:27 AM

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Hi everybody!

I just got given to me an old Morley Chrome Wah Volume WVO.  The one with an AC power cord.  I have never ever played thru a Morley wah but something is not quite right.  The wah kind of works but it is backwards!!!  Toe down gives you bass and toe up gives you treble and this only works over a narrow physical range.  The lamp is glowing inside.  The volume does not work well at all.  I do have the schematic thanks to the Morley website.  Any Morley gurus out there or anyone with some thoughts on what the problem(s) might be?  Also, any mods for this old beast if I get it working?



Maybe a silly answer, but maybe it suppose to work like this (reverse kind of thingy)

I only played through the Flanger editoon of those pedals and thought it was a great pedal......
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


It sounds to me like something is wrong with the physical apparatus that controls the light.  I am certainly not an expert, but as I recall, there is a light, a piece of paper that shields the light as you move the pedal, and something that measures the amount of light (a Light Dependant Resistor, I think).  So, when you move the pedal the light is covered/uncovered which changes the resistance of the LDR makes the wah/volume change.

I would take a close look at the mechanics of the pedal and make sure it looks like it is working right.  If the shroud looks like it is working, I'd say there may be a problem with the LDR.

BTW, if memory serves, the schem should be very similar to a crybaby, so all the crybaby mods should work.