Looking for some specific switches

Started by PenPen, August 12, 2006, 07:29:53 PM

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I'm trying to source some parts for a design. I'm having troubles locating some switches. First, I need one of those pots like a power/volume knob, where when you turn it all the way "off" it disconnects the switch. I can't find them at the usual places and mouser's site is really messed up, it keeps throwing errors when I click on any links. I'm also searching for some SP toggle switches with center "ON". These can be either sliders or toggle style. Any help is appreciated.


I think guitar/luthier places like stew mac have center on toggle switches (like the gibson style pickup selector switches, but a toggle), I've wanted some a couple times.  You can do alot with the DP three position slider switches too, if making a square hole isn't a turnoff.

The pots are somewhat more common, maybe try " __ pot w/ NC switch" or" w/ SPST switch".