hiwatt tone stack

Started by the_stig, August 16, 2006, 02:41:33 AM

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long time lurker... first post :)
I have problems with simulating the tone stack from hiwatt schematics available here: http://hiwatt.com/manual/DR103_PDF/DR103_preamplifier.pdf
my drawing looks like this: http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/9027/hiwatt1nz6.jpg

My problem is that the pots do not do a thing  ??? Is there an error in the schematic ? I would appreciate any help.




You don't have any pots on your drawing? Was this done on purpose? All of the pots have been subbed with two resistors.



Forget the original values in the Hiwatt tonstack, for a FX I would use 1/10 Rs and 10x C for the caps and a buffer in front of the tonestack.

The original tonestack was designed for an amp, for a FX-box the filters must be altered too(more mids, less highs).
Look a the Reverend Drivetrain schem and study the tonestack, it's a good example for an adapted tonestack in an OD.


Stompin Tom

By the way, someone was trying to work this out over at the ssamp site:


Not sure if that will help... they got it working, but it looks like it still needs tweeking.