Joybuzzer not working

Started by z1, August 22, 2006, 01:49:10 PM

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i've just finished a Joybuzzer, a Dragonfly original  ;)
it bypasses fine but when i switch on the effect no signal gets through...
i've build it as the vero layout, but i have a few questions;

-are the potmeters seen from above (shaft towards) or from below? - i've wired both possibilities but without result...
-doesnt the battery - needs a connection to the ground?  (im using a fresh one)

here's the layout and some pics, hopefully someone can point out my mistake, thanks in advance!


That battery does need to be connected to ground.


sound logical! (feels stupid)
could that be the whole problem?


one more thing... 100K: log or lin?


Yeah, connect the negative part of the battery to the "ring" section on the input jack like commonly done on other effects.

I'd say log for the pots, at least of the volume pot. And the pots are being viewed from the back in the diagram.


thanks for the help :) i'll try that...


Another thing to note- even if you do have the pots 'backwards', it'll still work, just that it'll work backwards- turn the knob counterclockwise to go 'up'....

Everyone here's done that at least uh.... a lot...
Stark Raving Mad Scientist


Yeah, before i try a new effect for the first time I set the pots halfway, that way there has to be some audio coming through if everything else is OK.
So if i have them wired backwards, i can avoid the "" #¤¤%, it doesnt't work!! " reaction  :icon_lol:


haha yeah i figured it should still work backwards...hope the ground issue will solve the problem  :)


yes  ;D it works  ;D
it sounds quite unique :) 

although the output is quite low, i barely reach unity gain with volume at max, i guess this is to blame on the lin. pots  :(


A cranked linear pot will let though the same amount volume as a cranked log pot.
Your problem may lie in a cold solder joint or transistors oriented the wrong way.