2nd Build Finished! (Highway 89)

Started by Antero, August 13, 2006, 02:28:16 AM

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Yeah, post mods, whatever...

edit: Without posting the complete schematic, please.


As promised, this is my treble control mod to the Highway 89.

Simply I've used a 100K linear pot for the treble control and I've connected a 2,2n cap in parallel to R8.
In this way the pot works in 2 way: it control the treble trough the C8 cap, but it creates a first order low pass filter with the new cap (RAT like control).

For me the 2,2n value is a good compromise with both single coils and humbuckings. Decreasing to 1,5-1,8n there are more highs, increasing to 2,7-3,3n there are less treble frequency.

Obviuosly, this control doesn't operate a complete filter to the treble, like a classic tone control, because this filter is before the final source of the distortion. But this is the nature of the Highway 89... you'll love it or you'll hate it.
I think it's a great rock machine (if your fingers can support it...  :icon_lol:)