OT: Boss LS-2 Owners?

Started by John Egerton, September 05, 2006, 06:06:32 PM

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John Egerton

Hey guys,

If any of you own an ls-2, I was wondering if you could help me by telling me if it will do what I want before I buy it.

Basically, I have a bass and a few effects pedals.

What I want to do is put the effects into one of the loops and the bass to amp directly in the bypass or other loop.

Then I want to be able to switch between a mixed bypass an effect signal and a 100% effect signal.

Is this possible? As I know the pedal can mix 2 signals...


Save a cow... Eat a Vegetarian.........


i dont think so no.
you can use the mix mode where you blend loops A and B together, so you can have the pedals in A and clean signal in B.
but when you turn the LS-2 off, you'll bypass the pedals. what you could do though is use the LS-2 on mix mode and leave it on and simply wire a switch to short out the dry loop somewhere in the B chain so you'll be left with just loop A, 100% wet.
any good for you?
hope so :)
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...if <1Ω