Regular Fuzz Face or the 1969 Fuzz Face from GGG recommendations?

Started by Mann, September 07, 2006, 04:21:20 AM

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I bougth a pair of matched low leakage ge-transistors and consider building (yet another) a fuzz. Which one would you build:
regular Fuzz Face or the 1969 Fuzz Face from GGG and why?
I bougth also a 3-set of similar transistors and wondering what the difference is between 2-knob and 3-knob tonebenders?

Mark Abbott

Dear Mann

That is a no brainer, the 1969 Fuzz face as it will offer the same tones as the regular fuzz face and you'll have features such as mid boost and extra output from the 1969 pedal. I don't have a clone I have a real Fulltone pedal. I also built a Si Fuzz face using 2N3904's for friend, and it sounded better than the Ge Fuzz face. Naturally I had to tweak it to get it to sound right. This from memory consisted of getting the collector voltage of the second transistor to be half the battery voltage.

Good luck with your project.

Yours Sincerely

Mark Abbott


I'd suggest you to make the boutique fuzz face by ggg, sounds excellent!