EQ pedal i made not doing anything?

Started by Fr_3_aK, September 17, 2006, 07:08:10 AM

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I've made this:


Using the layout i've drawn, i can plug it in and sound comes through. However turning the knobs doesnt make any change to the tone. I'm using a 9 volt power source, as you can see the schematic only requires a 6 -18 volt.

What have i done wrong?
Have i reversed the in/out of the pots? Is the IC blown up?

Please help.


my bad, i managed to over look a connection. Once over with the hot iron fixed it.

A decent EQ, but the values atm dont suit a guitar. Needs a bit of tweaking soon


Any tips on what Hz values are better for guitar EQ?

Atm they're 50Hz, 1KHz and 10KHz. Not suitable at all   :icon_sad:

Also what dB boost am i running? You get 20dB @ 18 volts, but im running only 9 volts


Check out the EQ Schem at GGG and maybe you could get some ideas for values from that  ???