How do you guys approach perfing and breadboarding?

Started by jimmybjj, June 13, 2010, 10:07:04 PM

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Quote from: petemoore on June 16, 2010, 08:53:56 AM
Here's my final exam result observations:
What's best to use depends on what you want.

Amen, brother...
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


  Got a piece of copperless perfoboard, and made a lead twister.
  Looks like a 2 bladed fan or infiniti shape, an ''8'' at the end of a rod.
  A wire placed through near the tip of needlenose pliers, hold both ends and twist the pliers [or bend each end more than 1/2 way around...
  A bit of creative bending produces an 8 shape of wire, flat at the bottom of the 'handle' [the whole thing is stiff-ish wire].
  When two leads are poking out, I thread them through the figure 8 [one lead through each hole], and twist...
  Works great on the second node because my fingers don't fit and needlenose can do it but not as easy or neat.
  If that description isn't producing a picture of it..A rod with a plate on the end of it, just big enough so a couple holes can fit, the hole just large enough so it's easy to thread the leads.
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