EHX Hot Tubes Layout

Started by RaceDriver205, August 14, 2006, 07:25:53 AM

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9 volts

I ended up wiring it like the schematic, so it's not true bypass but it works, there is a little leakage though.
Also there is a 150r resistor on the bypass lead to the output jack.
It certainly makes a great sound. Thanks


hey racedriver!
first of all thanx for posting the layout. as it comes for the design part of it though, i've been told recently from Mr. Pete Cornish that its the most important of all the procedures. he said "a good design can still work without any parts on it" and i guess he knows more than we do. so just for helping u i think that u should pay more attention in designing ur layouts. just for ur best. not to have any misunderstandings, am not trying to teach u coz we both know u r more experienced and know more than i do. its just a totally friendly comment which i would like u to take as a direct comment from Cornish :)

Take care.



Lol, I wish my designs would work with no parts on them, it'd make life a lot easier!  :icon_lol:


i wish i could do that as well, but see....we're not Cornish! so lets just try and make it just better. emphasizing abit more on the designing would surely make life a lot easier as well! ;)