Dual Fat Boostered?

Started by ranchak, September 27, 2006, 01:36:46 AM

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I just got done building the Fat Boostered. WOW!!!! This thing kicks. I built a TS808, Eighteen (runoffgroove) and a Dynacomp. None of these gave me the tone I was looking for, but the Fat Boostered works. What I would like to do is build a box with two Fat Boostered circuits. One will be used to give some thickness to rythyms and the other would be used for leads. I want to be able to turn off each "side" as well as toggle between effects. Does this sound too complex? Basically it would be an A-B box with a Fat Boostered at each end. Or maybe a Boutique Booster and a Fat Booster in the same box? Has anybody built the Boutique Booster? Anybody try the 2N5457 JFET instead of the J201?


Two Fat Boostereds? Why not.
Although the dual set of tone controls may be redundant and force you into a big box.
To complex? Nah nothing that hasn't been done a thousand times already by forumites.
I like to follow my FB with the Mini-Booster. I never turn the FB off and kick in the MB for added punch/grit.

I like my FB with 5457 because it gives me a cleaner sound and the MB with 201 for the grit.
Drive the FB into the MB and you have an overdrive that you can dial in to taste

When it comes to dual effects I think its a good idea to include a small perf board to distribute power
and ground so you don't have to solder several wires onto the same tab of the DC jack.
Makes it easy to remove the PCB too.

Here is a pic of a distribution board for a dual effect.
There are two rows of header pins on the left side of the perf board.
One row is 9+. the other row is gnd. The LEDs also connect to the distro board.

and here is the finished inside with the two PCBs plus distro board.

And just in case your wondering...
This is a Brian May TB and Mini-Booster dual boost. The toggle switch controls how the footswitch works,
swap mode or series, no bypass here.
It's time to buy a gun. That's what I've been thinking.
Maybe I can afford one, if I do a little less drinking. - Fred Eaglesmith



if you use this switching, you'd basicaly have two fat boosts and a "BSIAB" (more or less...) when both were on in series....


Quote from: Dragonfly on September 27, 2006, 09:28:21 AM

if you use this switching, you'd basicaly have two fat boosts and a "BSIAB" (more or less...) when both were on in series....

Quite interesting.
Sounds like this could actually be a very versatile stomper.


Quote from: markm on September 27, 2006, 11:05:48 AM
Quote from: Dragonfly on September 27, 2006, 09:28:21 AM

if you use this switching, you'd basicaly have two fat boosts and a "BSIAB" (more or less...) when both were on in series....

Quite interesting.
Sounds like this could actually be a very versatile stomper.

an alternate use would be putting a mosfet boost and a fat boost in there...a fatboost can sound pretty cool when driven with a mos boost....

just a idea...