DR Boogey on 22 x 7 vero !

Started by andy123, August 25, 2006, 06:39:53 PM

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Hi All,

Yet another DR Boogey built.

Nothing new to add except that I managed to shoehorn it into a 22 x 7 vero.

Sounds great. Thanks electrictabs for a great design.


Obligatory gut shot...


The new version of DIY Layout Creator is out, check it out here


Kind of.. The layout I made is slightly incorrect right now because I found small mistake in it during the debug and I haven't updated it.

I actually used your layout creater to figure the layout out :)  Thanks for a great little program! It did  a few goes to get it to 22x7 though.

As a way of giving back to you and the folks here, I'll update and post it.

say tuned....



Hi All

Here is the vero layout I used for my Dr Boogey. I've also included a few notes in it just to clarify things.

It's quite cramped but a bit of care and it shouldn't be a problem. It was tightest around  C1 but a bit of jiggling and it fit.
It's also a bit tricky to set the bias since its a tight manuver to get the meter probes in there.

In the actual build I had to use a few different parts because of availiability .
They were:
C7: 5n -> 4n7
C16: 3n -> 3n3
Treble pot: 220kA -> 250kA
Mid pot: 22kL -> 20 kL

I don't know if this makes any difference but it sounds ok to me.

I've included a couple of snapshots of mine to give you an idea of how cramped it was.

Hope this helps anyone out there wanting to  build the Dr Boogey.



You sir are my new hero.

I'm building a Dr. Boogey right now on PCB and although PCB is pretty much color by number, for me its been a fair deal of planning the insertion of each component to ensure that everything will fit snugly and more importantly, securely. I spent the last 2 1/2 hours putting on all of the resistors, electrolytics and the 4 trimmers. Seems the transistor sockets I bought from Small Bear have the pins in a triangle shape and wont fit - I'll have to be extra careful when soldering them  :-\

I couldn't find what type of caps people were using to build their Dr Boogeys. Yours are polyester film right? Would you recommend Polyester Film over Ceramic? Would there even be a difference?

Also, seems silly to me but I couldn't find that 680k resistor, guess i'll have to strap a couple together to make one... :-)

And finally...

DAMN thats a sweet build you got there!


Thats genius, I love the idea of cutting tracks between holes I've never thought of doing that  :)


Quote from: MetalUpYerEye on August 26, 2006, 06:45:15 AM
Seems the transistor sockets I bought from Small Bear have the pins in a triangle shape and wont fit - I'll have to be extra careful when soldering them  :-\

Consider buying IC sockets and cutting them. You'll have a smaller socket and the pins will be in line. Also, in my experience, it will hold the transistor more securely. Works great for PCB.


That is a nice piece of work there Andy.

I've got a bag of parts for my second Boogey build--now I have a reason to build it.

Thanks much!


Very nice !!! even smaller than my perf layout, which I have found the hard way that it's very easy to forget / lose a solder point. I'm rebuilding it with your layout

Thanks !!!!


(warning longish post)

Hello All     

First of all thanks for the kind words.....

Sorry about my tardiness in returning to this thread. I've been a bit busy with other things beyond pedal building.

To  MetalUpYerEye ... I see you have managed to complete you Dr. Boogey congrats! but anyway in answer to your query about caps. I just tend to use the green caps cos they're easily availiable and I just tend to use the ceramics for the small values. I'm sure folks cleverer than I could tell you which ones are the best to use.


I have managed to spend a little more time with the Dr. Boogey

Me and a friend of mine were able to trying it out with a marshall 100 watt amp driving two quads.

I'd read somewhere that the Dr. below 12 gets you a Marshall sound and above 12  you get into the Mesa DR sound. Also that the DR. Boogey gets you to about 80% of the Mesa DR sound.

So with this in mind we set about having a bit of a very unscientific comparison. Trust our ears!?

We compared the marshalls distortion channel with the good Dr. running through the clean channel... and yes! If you rate the Marshall a 10, the Doc was a good solid 8.  It was just slightly little thinner sounding and a slightly less ballsy. Incredible for a little home built pedal. You'd never notice the difference if you didn't have the real thing side by side.

Unfortunately we didn't have access to a real Mesa DR. to compare with :icon_frown:

My friend (who was in the search for the "high gain" sound) was very impressed with it and rated it better than the MT2 he had. We concluded that if you cannot afford the real thing the Dr boogey will get most of the way there for very little money.

Now having said that we did come across a slight issue (we think?).

When not playing anything, the strings on the guitar tend to love feeding back. They always seem to start ringing whenever there was nothing being played.

I suspect it may be related to high gain pickups as it did it more on the Bill Lawrences and whatever Allan Holdsworth puts on the AH-10. It was less noticeable on my RS530 with factory pickups.

I've since found if you dial back the volume it helps stops ringing. Has anyone else found this? Is it normal? Can this be corrected with Bias? (Had no luck with this so far)

Xavier, Can you let us know how it goes?would love to hear how you get on with your build.

Sorry about the longish  post




Just built again the Boogey mofo according to this new *packed as hell* layout.

Still doesn't work. Man this circuit is KILLING me. I have oscillations EVEN AT THE INPUT, how can that be?. measuring with the oscilloscope, the signal is perfectly clean but as soon as I plug the input jack I can see some kind of deformation at the input itself.

Completely new board, same cabling. Next week I'm redoing all the wiring again. l'm starting to hate it :icon_evil:.

It biases correctly, all J201, no problem, but I must have some problem after Q2 as all I get is a high frequency squeal. Most frustrating debugging EVER for me.......



with such a high gain circuit I think it's not too good to make smaller boards...signal leads can be close causing oscillations
The new version of DIY Layout Creator is out, check it out here


Works again, but partially.......doesn't squeal but it hasn't all the gain and balls. Eq doesn't work properly. Bass control sounds like a parametric eq, mid conktrol doesn't do anything and the treble control seems to add / substract gain.

BTW the 22/7 layout needs one more trace cut just before the master volume connection, as the last RC network is in series but is wired in parallel in the layout.

I guess some day it will work