MXR Phase 90 Vero Verified!

Started by hilbi, October 16, 2006, 03:12:42 PM

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Here is my Vero Layout for the MXR phase 90, I just finished building this pedal from this vero tonight and it is working.

Is has a size of 14 x36, only slightly bigger the torchy's phase 45 layout.

Please let me know if you built this pedal too and if  everything is working like it should.

Have fun!


Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp

petemoore you need to edit your 'builds so far' to include the Phase 90.
  This'll help. Hello Phine Phaser ...that 90...Gotta love it !
    I again went through and fixed the funky-ness out of my perfed 90, great phaser, worth all the excessive troubles [wouldn't have been so bad had I realized the solid core wiring I used wasn't really 'taking' the solder] :icon_rolleyes:.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: petemoore on October 16, 2006, 03:30:51 PM you need to edit your 'builds so far' to include the Phase 90.

I already hit the limit for charactars that are allowed in the signature ;-)

Very fine phaser indeed, I owned a script logo once, but sold it to buy something else. Now the great phase 90 sound is back :-)

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp


Nice work Hilbi,

Just a quick one are the transistors important (i've never heard of them! ) or can I bang some common ones in?

Looking forward to taking this one on soon (after my skyripper!)

Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


If I Understood correctly they are inmportant, I used 4 matched 2n5952's Fets.

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp


Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


forgot to say cheers for speedy response!


Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


  The recommended Jfets are recommended, but phasing can be had using J201's, the matter of matching might get lucky, but a Jfet Matcher circuit is also can obtain phasing without it, but for a 4 [or even 2] stage phaser, matched sets will work.
I used 4 matched 2n5952's Fets.
  So did I, after using...others
  Works great eh !!
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Cheers Pete,

not only have I just found some but Banzai do matched ones too! Bit lazy but haven't got round to the Fet matching (or any matching come to think of it!)

Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


I got mine also from banzai, i can recommend them.

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp


I just updated some minor things on the mxr phase 90 vero layout.

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp