Small Clone Troubles.

Started by wademalorgan, October 21, 2006, 01:16:44 PM

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Hey y'all, It's me again...
I am completely stumped with this project.  My tp small clone sounds great  It's just not loud enough.  The bypass volume is louder than the effect volume.  I have been working at it all week and still, no results.
I tried boosting the gain in the output by lowering and couple different resistors.  However, that did not seem the work.  I then probed the circuit and found that it was the mixing stage where the problem lies- before the 22k and 20k mixing resistors, the wet and dry signals are louder.  When mixed together there is a volume drop.  This also occurs when I replace the two resistors with a 50k pot.  I get loud signals on the opposite ends, however, when I mix the two together in the middle of the pot, the volume drops.  I was wondering if this is the nature of mixing circuits (mixing two signal paths always resulting in a loss of gain) or if there is something wrong here.  Has anyone else had this sort of problem with their small clone?  Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you!


Please help.  I'm tearing out my hair over here!

Mark Hammer

Life presents enough reasons to lose hair without adding to such grief.

It *WILL* throw off the symmetry of the pre-emphasis/de-emphasis of the pedal, but for now just increase the value of the 33k feedback resistor up to 39k.  If that *doesn't* increase output level then the problem lies somewhere else.

My sense is that the 6k8/.01uf network can successfully be replaced with a 8k2/.0082uf combination for the same de-emphasis (or at least close enough that you wouldn't tell the difference).


Thank you very much Mark.  I really appreciate your feedback.  I will give it a try. 