A/B switch modification

Started by Mordred, October 02, 2006, 07:24:56 AM

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I built the Fullton A/B box (http://www.fulltone.com/PDfFiles/AB_switcher.pdf) for a friend who has decided to wants a modified version.

Rather than switching between 2 channels, he wants to have his guitar comming though both channels at the same time to give himself a boost when playing solo's and the switching back to 1 channel for going back to rhythm playing (if you can follow that  :icon_rolleyes: ) I have him a boost, but that wasn't loud enough for him, told him to try switching channels on his amp, AND to have 2 amps and switch between them, but he's decided that this is the way he wants to go with it.

Would it be possible to modify my current build or would I be best starting from scratch?
also .. if anyone has any ideas on this, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.


I cant see why you wouldnt be able to modify what you already have.

Try  This


Thanks for getting back to me.

I did see that layout before, but am I correct in saying that it requires 2 3PDT switches?
and will do the A/B function as well as switching on the 2 channels at the same time?

If I'm right in saying that, then that is far more functionality than he needs or would use.

I'm trying to keep things simple for him as I almost had to draw a diagram as to how the A/B switch worked (despite the fact that there are labels that say in out out)


yes it will take 2 3pdt switches.
The first switch changes between A and B.
The second switch will turn both A and B at the same time.
you can be on either A or B and the second switch will turn the other one on
reguardless of what was selected.
I'm sure you could make it work with 2 dpdt switches, you just
wouldnt have LED's. Actually here it is. This was in The Big Mans gallery.
I just omitted the tuner mute switch and jack from the picture.
Original Picture
Hope this helps.



I'll have a go ad the first layout. I think not having the LEDs would mess with his head just a little too much.

With any luck it'll work first time (or as near to first time as possible

Thanks for that


Ok .. .I'm a bit slow on the uptake here and I need a wee bit of help   :icon_rolleyes:

I am following the Big Man's layout http://aronnelson.com/gallery/TheBigMan-Layouts/abyled what I can't figure out is what connectors on the jacks I need to connect to.
Any Pointer would be appreciated

:icon_redface:   :icon_razz:


The black wire coming off each jack going to ground
would connect to the "ring" terminal of the jack. The purple and blue wires
on the A and B jack would go to the "tip" terminal. These can both be mono jacks.
The input jack would need to be stereo. Again black to the "ring" terminal.  Brown would go to
the "tip" and the negative of the battery would go to the "shaft" terminal.
Hope that helps.


Hello again ... and sorry again....

Now I need some help with the grounding.
Is this correct?

Sorry for being a bit thick


picture wont show up for me.... ???

