Custom components in Express PCB.

Started by jrc4558, October 30, 2006, 11:08:04 PM

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Good day all!
I am making progress in the art of layouts with help of ExpressPCB. However, I find their library components to have very small pads assigned to them. Does anyone here knows how to actually create custom components in Express PCB? I would greately appreciate such help, as I'm trying a lyout for a tube preamp, 250VDC B+, and I need nice size pads for those  power supply filtering resistors...
Thanks in advance!
I'm putting toghether a webpage full of various PCB layouts. Maybe in January I'll go live.

John Lyons

You can make pads larger either in the pad manager or you can hange the pads of components by selecting ungroup in the edit tab. Change the size of the pads and then click group and save the component. Ungroup makes all parts of the component free flaoting and sizable...

If you search for Express PCB you should be able to come up with a post by Moosapotomus and he links to his custom components. Let meknow if you can't find anything and I'll see if I can get you the ones I have...


Basic Audio Pedals


Thanks! I managed to change the pad sizes. Now if I only could save the modified component. :) But it works fine this way too. Thank you!

Peter Snowberg

When you have the pads they way you want them, select "group to make component". ;)

(I'm on a Mac at the moment so I can't see, but I think it's in the component menu.)
Eschew paradigm obfuscation


In ExpressPCB, click on help and read the quick start guide. You can create your own library of custom components.

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


Yep! I figured it out! One need to ungroup the component to make it the way he wants it, then group it back, and only then the program will aloow for the component to be saved as a custom component. Thank you for the insights, gentlemen! Custom library galore!