Please verify my layout for an effects loop volume box with relay

Started by xshredx, December 10, 2006, 12:00:33 PM

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my friend sings in a band, and she also plays second guitar. Now she has some songs where she would like to have her own guitar quieter during most of the song, and only on full volume during the chorus. But since her Marshall head only has one volume, I looked around for a solution. A simple potentiometer in the loop (as in: ) would work, but she plays fairly large stages sometimes, so I thought that a relay based volume box would be a better solution.
I did a search here, and found some topics. In one of those, LyleCaldwell posted a schematic.   I made a layout with DIY Layout Creator, but since I have not made a lot of layouts yet, would some of you please help me by verifying the layout?    I live in an appartment, and don't etch pcb's myself, so I would like to have a good layout before I get it to the electronics store to have it etched.

The schematic is:

And this is the layout that I made (I included the pin-out for the relay, an Omron G6H-2-DC5 Relay, but same pin-out as NEC's for instance):

The pot is wired in as in:

Could some of you please take a look?   That would be awesome...  and I think that maybe some people could use this layout...   because since I started thinking about a volume box in the effects loop of an amp, some other friends of me are also thinking about 'adding a second volume to their amp'

Thanks in advance!!