Problem and Questions Re: Green Ringer

Started by BlackFlag1313, December 03, 2006, 11:39:47 AM

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 ??? I've built a Green Ringer clone (negative ground - GGG layout ) and I get tons of radio interfence.  The problem almost completely goes away when I have a high impedance, mosfet booster after the effect in the signal chain.  I've tried many of the suggestions from past post (47pf cap from input to ground, .001 uf cap from input cap to ground, 1K resistor added in series to the input (helped some)).  The circuit is in a Hammond 1590 enclosure so there is good shielding.  Any ideas on how to get rid of this would be greatly appreciated.

Also, does anybody have any good mods for this circuit?



Interesting, 'cos I've never had any problems of RF interference with my Green Ringer, and I use it a lot. It sounds as if the diodes in the circuit are demodulating , but I wonder how the RF is getting in?

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Try putting a cap at the OUTPUT. RF can (suprisingly) get in through ANY hole.

But, it's weird that having a high impedance rather than low on the output makes a difference.. does it pick up with a dumy input (ie a plug with a 50K resistor shorted across it.. a useful tool for tracking down interference).

Poor grounding scheme maybe? worth checking too. The green ringer shouldn't be a noisy pedal at all IMO. : Effect PCB Layout artwork classics and originals :