Voltage Regulator Question?

Started by modsquad, December 05, 2006, 11:33:47 PM

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I have two types of 78L09 voltage regulators.  Actually the other one is a 7809CT.  One kind looks like a transistor i.e J201, etc.  the other ones look like darlington transistors ("beefier" looking).  I am wondering which one to use.  From what I can tell one has an output current of .1A and the other 1.0A.  Should I use 1.0A?  What if the pedal is looking for a smaller current like 500mA?  Or does it matter?

"Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light, not because he is afraid of the dark but because the dark is afraid of him"

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

A regulator can never be "too big".
Go for the flat one with the hole in it. It's called a TO-220 case.

Things to remember:
1. the case isn't isolated.
2. the power dissapated in the reg, is (current thru the reg) X (voltage dropped across the reg)
3. the reg needs a certain amount of voltage drop across it to work properly
(see the data  sheet, but I would say 3V).