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"Q" control in wah

Started by mcasey1, December 15, 2006, 09:54:21 AM

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So I ripped out the dunlop crybaby board from my wah altogether, and put in a clyde mccoy circuit PCB.  The resistor right off the inductor, that is 33K-100K usually, affects the vocal sweep of the wah.  I am interested in replacing this resistor with a pot and drilling a hole to mount it externally so I can control this parameter.  If I wanted a sweep from 33k-100k, and did not want to mount the resistor AND wires to the pot on the board, how would I wire the pot to have this sweep?  Could I put a 33K from wiper to ground?


  I think you want a stop resistor, so resistance there never falls below...whatever the stop resistor is..say 33k, then put a 100k pot series with that, and adjust.
  Figure out what range of resistance you want there...I just left it adjustable between 33k and 133k...I could barely even tell what that pot does until sweeping the wah 'at volume' for a while, subtle change it is...
  If you want a certain range for that pot, use a stop and pot tapering resistors to make it do that.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Could I solder this resistor directly to the pot lugs, or do I need to put it on the board, and run wires in parallel to the pot?  If i could solder it to the pot, what lugs would it go on?


I would suggest an internal trimpot and forego the external pot. For a true Clyde tone, once you get it adjusted it is not really something that you continually want to change on the fly. Just my opinion.


Yeah, I drilled an external pot, but never used it.  Trimpot is the way to go.