EH Soul Preacher opinions (part 3)

Started by markm, December 17, 2006, 11:37:28 AM

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Here we go,
First, thank you Mark Hammer for sharing your knowledge and for some of the guidance in this project....MUCH Appreciated!
I have a semi-working layout  here from the handwritten schem.
It has what seem like some biasing issues as it will produce sound on minimal compression but, if the comp control goes anywhere near past 1/4 open it motorboats and also can produce some pretty NASTY distortion.....which would be cool if that's what I was after with this but unfortunately, it's not. :icon_frown:
I subbed a BC506B for the 2N3906 which seemed to improve the situation but not greatly.
As you can see from the layout I initially did the cap/resistor flip-flop but in trying to solve some of the machine-gun/distortion issues I switched them back for the hell of it and it seemed to improve more.
This circuit sounds great when it's set at 1/4 compression and it is compressing the signal that it's getting, it's just the biasing issues at the moment.
Here's a look at the layout (revision #3)   :icon_neutral:

Any thoughts or opinions are appreciated.


bumpity bump bump for the morning people  :)


I think I may have found my error.
Seems to be missing a trace from R14 to D2!  :icon_redface:
I'll check tonight and see if this solves the problem.