ROG emulations and GGG amps = a good combo?

Started by black mariah, December 18, 2006, 01:37:42 PM

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black mariah

I've decided to undertake a small combo amp project. What I'm thinking about doing is building one of the ROG emulators (probably the Professor Tweed) and pair it with the GGG LM3886 amp (I don't really need that much power, but clean headroom is a good thing :icon_smile: ). When last I was here there were a couple of other guys in the process of doing something similar, so I'm curious what the results were like.


Heres an entire forum of people who have been doing such projects :)

black mariah

Awesome! I think I'll be hanging out there soon. Thanks! :icon_biggrin:


Hi black mariah,
I just finished a "Tonemender" from with a TDA2050 power amp
and add a Tube screamer and blackfire effects. The final result is really very good,
I'm in love with my first combo.

I think the secret is to make every part in a single pcb, test everything with wires
until you find circuits that work good together. Then you make your combo with the
best combination of all.

Sorry about my bad english.

