one quad chip sample and hold

Started by oldrocker, December 21, 2006, 12:43:46 PM

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Has anyone built the single chip sample and hold circuit?  Does it work?  If so, how does it compare to other S & H circuits?  I my bread board this and try it since I'm in between projects at the moment.  I was just wondering if this schem is good - bad or boring?  I realize that it's for synth module use but can it be used for a guitar effect also?


That is really only the sample and hold part (a capacitor there that works as a "bucket", the pulse generator and the FET there that controls the opening/closing of the capacitor to adjust to the new input voltage on each pulse ), you can find the same basic section in the Maestro one

you need to hook up some kind of other control voltage to the input (noise or an LFO would probably be most common) and then use the output of the circuit to control something else (filters of all sorts, a phaser, whatever you fancy....)


If you added a cap to the input and  fed a guitar signal into it and put a cap on the CV out and used that as your output you'd get something similar to JC's Nyquist Aliaser.
Otherwise like Seljer said it's is just the sample and hold part of a circuit you'd need to use the CV out to drive a filter or something to make it into a pedal that did anything.
Ray Wilson's stuff is usually good so it's worth playing with, it uses a bi polar supply though so it would need modifying if you wanted to run it on 9volts.


hey designs are about making something with this s&h a filter, and lfo, etc??. you are so clever, and minimalistic too. thanks for the slackfilter!!


Thanks for the kind words  :icon_redface:
That's an interesting idea, kind of like a slack version of the Maestro Filter/sample and hold. I'll see what I can do  ;D


how bout four sample & hold amps on a chip?  Might be fun for a stereo maestro S+H workalike, or an aliasing bitcrusher type effect.  Make a clock with narrow pulse with a 555 timer...


looks cool, the bugbrand bugcrusher aliaser uses a single chip version driven by a 40106 based VCO.