ROG Multiface- is the PCB really that small?

Started by Ponchus, January 30, 2007, 04:43:30 PM

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Super-stupid question. I am printing PCBs onto PnP paper, and I'm short on the PNP so I don't want to ruin any. One of the PCBs I'm going to print is ROG's multiface. Here's the link to ROG's page:

Note that there is an option for hte PCB layout. The transfers (at the bottom of the PDF) are REALLY small. I know it's a simple build, but can the PCB really be less than 1 inch squared?! (and I know to check off the resize options in Adobe and all that)...anyone work off the PCB layouts for this project?


it is pretty small.. looks like it is printing out the correct size...
Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.


Yeah, I printed out 6 different PCB transfers from Tonepad, GGG, etc. All of them measured out perfectly, so I know it's not a printer setting. The transfers on ROG's Multiface is literally a little bigger than 3/4" by 3/4". That's REALLY small.


  Print that on a piece of paper, and see if you think you can work it, lay the parts out on the template...if it looks too small I'd opt for...larger layout.
 If what you're seeing is a size they posted and intended it as usable it is usable...if you can use it.
 Sometimes excess miniturization has it's applications, other times consider a larger layout option.
 I used a 16 pin IC socket for a FFTF [Gus Smalley]. Looks good, even, squarish rectangle, most of the open perfholes on the sides of the IC socket, can't wait to box, populate the I/O cap and transistor positions, debug and fire that one up again, this time built like brick.
 I just put the input cap to lower left, Q1 top left, underboard wire from C1 to Q1B...the rest wires as usual, Q1C/Q2B bridges across/1 down putting Q2 at top right, output cap bottom right..tidy/sturdy...could be done with a 14 pin socket.
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