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Still not Sure

Started by stutter, January 30, 2007, 05:34:29 AM

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Im Still not sure as to what pedal i should build for Heavy Metal sounds Children Of Bodom,Dream Theater etc I can pick up a cheap Dist+ Kit Here but it hasnt had raving reviews on this board.I have been listening to some clips and checked out the Dr Boogey Layout This will be my first pedal build but i have built a p1 extreme from AX84.I really love tube sound but for Live i need to switch between relatively clean and high gain so a pedal is the way to go.After this id also be looking to build a phaser,but i wont get too ahead of myself  :icon_smile:

Any thoughts from owners of the dist+ or boogey?


I think the Dist+ is usually a little less than "metal, but then again, Metal can mean a lot of things.  THankfully you gave us band names, but I'm not familiar with either of them, really. 

The tones I use my Dist+ for are generally along the lines of first Danzig record, some early Sabbathy type sounds.

It can get pretty crunchy with a boost in front of it - run an LPB into the front end of a Dist+ and gets really gainy and cool sounding.  But w/o some EQ after it, you're still not in "metal" territory. 

That said, the Dist+ is a super easy build, and a great pedal, and you can probably build it with parts (minus the footswitch and enclosure) available at a Radio shack if you're in the united states.  I wouldn't not recommend it to anyone, it's probably 12 bucks worth of parts on the inside. 

I'm sure more folks will chime in with their opinions; but try a couple of searches , I know this topic has been brought up recently. 
sent from my orbital space station.


Yeah the tone im thinking of is metal but not the mid scooped NU-Metal tone that is sterile.Id like the pedal not to colour the tube sound and make my Amp sound SS if you understand what i mean. Do you think the dist+ fits the bill?


i just saw a danelectro fab metal pedal for 15 quid.Its probably cheaper than building my own pedal how does this compare to the boogey or dist+?? its in a plastic case and pretty cheap,will it sound like crap??


i asked this question on this board for a freind of mine looking for a metal sound about 1 year ago.

the reply was consistant.. no diy pedal atm will give you the sound you are looking for. the closest people thought was the thundercheif.

i told my freind to buy a boss metal zone or the dano cheapie fab metal.

he bought the dano cheapie fab metal for $19AUD.

he is very happy with it.. and for the price its not really a biog loss to give it a go.

if you care about decent switching and a well constructed pedal, buy the boss. if you dont, buy the fab metal.



  HM type tones aren't that unobtainable, depends on the the definition of course...and lots of other things like speakers etc.
  For truly DR type sounds you'll need a Dual Recto type amp I think.
  But a 'worthy' metaly type distortion can be had starting with a simple clipping circuit like DIST+, but you'll need to add gain to the front end to get harder clipping, [via 'treblier' Minibooster works great] I added an adjustable LP Filter [pot and cap] to the end of the circuit to tame/adjust the harshness that comes with the harder clipping.
   Add another clipping was using the FET Fuzz, Dist+, a Minibooster...all adjusted 'so...big wall of metal type sound, not mid scooped either..substitute any one or two of those with a TS type thing, and I get a mid humped response.
  I don't currently use a notch filter, but having an adjustable one placable in the chain might be a good option, or eq.
  alot depends on the amp.
  And...metal...tends to mean 'right on the edge and over it by just so far, no farther'...these type tones depend on fine tuning how close you are to the 'edges'...too much treble, not enough mids, clipping that oversaturates...ability to adjust what needs adjusted and fine tune say the voltage hitting clipping diodes, what frequencies carry them...*perhaps all this is available using  a couple carefully selected plastic Dirt/voice/boost boxes and a plastic EQ you can pick up today at the music store.
  Have you tried a Fab Tone? A bit over the top for me...stands alone best IME.
  There are a million ways to distort a signal.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


So Something like Rangemaster>Dist+>Into Clean Amp should get me into metal territory but still retain lots of lovely tube tone?