Parapedal to Autowah???

Started by A.J., February 04, 2007, 02:26:51 PM

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I've getting back to working with the Parapedal from Geofex - starting over becuase I tinkered my first build into oblivion....

Now - I generally prefer autowahs to rocker style and have been thinking that it might be kind of cool to try to turn this circuit into one - I've been looking over old posts regarding doing this to Crybabys and the like, and this doesn't seem like a relatively easy thing to do.

Was really hoping just to find a plug in replacement for the wah-pot - the Parapedal's pot is dual ganged 10K - Off the top of my head, I was thinking an LED with two LDRs....

Looked at the Neutron, Dr. Q, etc - just sort of scratching my head - any suggestions to get started?


B Tremblay

You can take the envelope detector circuit from the Dr. Quack, then replace the LED that lights in response to signal with a vactrol that has two LDR elements (like the VTL5C3/2 use in the Phase 100).  There may be a better envelope detector out there that can be rigged to light an LED, though.
B Tremblay


Thanks - I'll take a closer look - I was thinking that the pot on the Parapedal was acting as a voltage divider and that this wouldn't necessarily work - I've been mulling on that - two leds working in inverse to one another (like a panner?) - with an ldr on each?  or is that just stupid (proof that I really have no idea what I'm doing - I always like to think of anything electrical as 'magic' and not think too hard about it....)
