Looking for a real man's soldering iron.

Started by rockgardenlove, January 23, 2007, 11:10:12 PM

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Alrighty fellas,
My soldering station arrived Thursday and after some testing with it and soldering up a few things I have to give it a big Thumbs-Up!
I have never used an even "near-quality" iron before as I have always bought the cheapo R/S irons and just threw them away when they got too crappy to use.
It's real nice having one that regulates the temperature and I have to say I can't beleive the difference it can make.
I should've invested in a better set-up YEARS ago.
I ordered it with 3 replacement tips, just in case and chose as my "freebie" the DMM.
Well, the DMM is great too....especially for the effects world!
It can measure all the ususal things as well as hfe for transistors, capacitance etc.
It even came with a Battery!
Here's the link again;
If any of you were considering this purchase, I recommend it highly as it is one helluva deal.
Thanks guys!