Bazz Fuss stupid question

Started by Xplorervoodoo, October 27, 2013, 10:30:54 PM

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Hey guys, sorry for this post, but for some reason this is stumping me.

In the schematic for the Bazz Fuss, Beavis Audio suggests that you can make the diode switchable - take it out of the circuit, and it becomes a dirty boost; put it back in, it becomes the fuzz.

But I'm not understanding how exactly to do this.  I've drawn up (extremely crudely) what seems to me to be the solution, but it is not working.  The boost part of the circuit works, but the fuzz does not.

I realize this is probably a ridiculous question, but I really need help.  What is the schematic SUPPOSED to look like with this switch?


you've done it correctly (lifting either side of the diode will work), so double-check your wiring and diode orientation.

you did have the fuzz part working without the switch?
always think outside the box


Its like it should be, can't see why it wont work.

I added a 1M ressistor on a switch, to over bias my transistor, thereby getting a different distortion. (can't remember witch transistor i used tho)
It's not always easy, but it's never impossible :D

Gibson SG Special worn brown 2006 (W. Bigsby b3)
Squier bullet fiesta red 2009 with a ton of care and mods.
Chibson LP Custom 2015 (Fixed broken neck)
Gibson LP Junior 2009


Thanks guys.  I figured it was the right solution, but I couldn't understand why only one side of it was working.  I guess I'm gonna have to dig deeper.  I've socketed the diode and transistor, but it seems that the parts don't really hold tightly in the sockets.  That may be contributing to my issue somehow....  Either way, frustrating...

Thanks again guys.  Time to start troubleshooting lol.