EH Muff Fuzz gating question

Started by Sody54, February 20, 2007, 06:09:07 PM

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I finished a muff fuzz and it seems to be working properly other than the severe gating effect.  I did some searching through the forums and found a couple tweaks that supposedly help it.  One was putting a 470K resistor across the diodes.  Being that I'm still in the early learning curve, where exactly would I need to put the resistor.  I think I may know, but I'd like to hear it from someone else who may know for sure.

Here's the layout I used.

I love the sound of this effect!!  Just want to kill the gating a little.

Thanks for any help.


As a side note....I'm on a lucky streak!!  I'm 3 for 3 on first time successful builds!  2 Gus Smalleys and now the Muff! (yeah I know they're all simple circuits  ;D  )  I'm sure my luck's about to run out now, but, it's been EXTREMELY gratifying thus far!


Hi Sody, glad it's working for ya.  From what I just read on another post, you put a 470K resistor from output (pin 1) to - In (pin 2) on the opamp.  To get it 'exact', you could use a 500K pot, hook 1 leg and wiper to those points, and adjust for proper sound...then carefully remove the pot without disturbing it, measure the resistance and use that size fixed resistor.   ;)

If you followed the Vero layout you linked to, the new resistor goes to the left of the 10K resistor, same row, on the board's far left edge; its other end goes up 1 row.  You might have to bend 1 leg up to make it fit, that is ok ('vertical mount'). 
Hope this helps!

MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...



Thanks for reply.  I'll try your suggestions.  I'm slowly starting to understand why and how things work, it's just the matter or "where" they work.  Hope that makes sense. 



did you look in the schematics section?


Gus, at this point I'm just beginning to learn how to read the layouts.  I can read all the symbols, but can't follow them yet.  I'll get there...

As of now, I'm basically only using vero layouts.  Kinda like paint by numbers.


What Mike posted should get you close.  470k is a good starting value. 

  I use a 10k with a 1 meg pot