Reverse Polarity cable?????

Started by AC30Dirty, February 25, 2007, 02:21:32 PM

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Hey guys, I purchasd a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+ last weekend and I was wondering if on one of the supplied boss cables, if I splice one end and reverse the connections would I be able to use it with my Fulltone 69? The pedal is reverse polarity and I'd rather do this than wait for voodoo lab to send me one.

John Lyons

No, you have to use a dedicated supply for + ground circuits. It's not just reversing the polarity that you need.
Since all the other pedals have neg ground you would be mixing + and neg grounds and they wouldn't work with that being done.
It's not just the power jacks polarity being reversed, it's that the Neg ground pedal has + at the ground and Neg at the usuall + points.
If you use it with your other pedals you will short them out etc.


Basic Audio Pedals


I know i can use it with this power supply because it states in the manual that for reverse ploarity pedals they(voodoo lab) will send me the cable but, I don't wanna wait till whenever it gets here. So, I though i could juat reverse the connections. Plus all the adaptor jacks are isolated on the pedal power 2+ so it wouldn't effect the other pedals.


 Just because Fulltone offers adapters dosen't mean you can run BOTH positive AND negative ground off the SAME power supply. Marketing does not trump physics. Did Fulltone really tell you you can run both + and - ground off one wart with their adapter?

Basicaudio shared an ice cold rock hard fact. He's trying to help you.

On the other hand, all of us have the undeniable right to find out the hard way... see for yourself... but don't blame us. We tried.

I am not responsible for your imagination.


Ok, my mistake- your power supply is designed for that. I was wrong. It can be done. It makes me nervous, but they say it's ok.
I am not responsible for your imagination.


Thanks Guys but, I'm not sure if you all are understanding my question or if i'm not explaning it right. I'm not using a Fulltone adaptor, I'm gonna use a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+. In the manual of the Pedal Power it states that I cannot use the regular Boss adaptor cables because they are wired for negative center and that if I need a positive center that the can provide me with one. Now.... I don't want to wait until i can get a hold of Voodoo Lab and have them send me a cable so i was wondering if i could just cut one of the ends of the cable and reverse the connections to get positive center. The DC jacks on the Pedal Power are isolated as well.

John Lyons

Thanks for the back up meanderthal.

I guess it just comes down to information flow.
If it were me looking for an answer I probably would have included that nugget of information (individually isolated PSU)

Seems like if it's truly isolated then you can just flip the connections and move on.

Basic Audio Pedals


 Yeah, as long as the power supply can deal with it, you can do that. It'll work.
I am not responsible for your imagination.


Thanks alot guys!!! Sorry for any mix ups in info.