Tremulus lune LDR control

Started by ThomasDJ, February 27, 2007, 05:22:13 AM

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I have finished building the tremulus lune and woww this thing sounds great! :) ..but now I want to be able to control the speed via LDR as a kind of progression. The 2 speed pots 10k and 1k will be the master settings and the LDR shall tune the speed when light is falling on it..  I almost figure out how (I think :s) ..but i need a little help:)

I run the speed circuit trough an NPN transistor (one side to the collector and the other side to the emitter) ..and the LDR to the base:)

This works ok..but it chance the way the tremolo sounds:s

What can I do??

best regards



"Aux LFO (to modulate main)" is what you want (I think a: tremolo that goes from changes the speed up and down by itself?)


maybe it is what I want :icon_confused: I'll give it a try :)



You can probably just put the LDR across the outside lugs of the speed pot.


ah wait, I read your first post entirely wrong.

then just wire another pot (5k to 10k I'd say) as a variable resistor in series with the current speed potentiometers (as a kind of "LDR depth" control), wire the LDR in parallel with the new pot
what slacker said would also work but it doesn't offer a way to turn it off/adjust how much of an effect it has on the speed


yeah that's a much better way of doing it.