How do you mount a PC board in effect?

Started by momo, March 10, 2007, 08:40:19 AM

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Hey Momo,

I find it rather sad, that after guy's spend thier valuable time posting to try and help you to help yourself, you see it as complaining.

Frankly, it is frustrating to see the same questions over and over, and Pushtone and many others offer kind persuasions for those who visit here to simply do a little looking first, before asking a rather obvious and straight forward question, that has been answered many many times before.....

You say you researched to find the answer..... did you even look at the Pictures thread? Great day in the morning, I bet there are hundreds of gut shots in that thread alone. You will find a lot of what not to do, because it is not your style, and you will find TONS that you HAVE to do, because it is so cool.

sorry, forget I said anything..... I meant not to read it.......
