Need a new build - recommendations?

Started by axg20202, February 04, 2008, 07:54:29 AM

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I haven't built anything new for a while and cant decide what to build next (my need for specific pedal types has been pretty much met, so now I'm looking for something fun to build that is a bit different from what I have). To help eliminate some contenders, here's what I ALREADY have:

Bigg muff triangle (the last pedal I built - made 3 of 'em - love it)
MXR Dist +
Germanium fuzz face (positive ground)
Germanium Tonebender (3 knob version; positive ground)
Wah (tonepad layout)
Small clone
Octave (forget which one - basic design using a transformer; not my bag)
Phase 100 (never worked, so was binned - no desire to revisit this)

Commercial pedals I own:
Rat (Keeley)
Barber LTD silver overdrive
Barber Tone press compressor
Small Stone phaser (modded)
Line 6 Echo Park delay
EH Pulsar tremolo (mono big box version)
Marshall Vibratrem tremolo

Any ideas on something that fills a gap in the above would be great.


   Neutron Filter...
  Spyder Power Supply.

Convention creates following, following creates convention.

Mark Hammer

You need an envelope-controlled filter.


depends on what music you like, if you play heavy +1 for the DR. Boogey(fun to build awesome to play).  But it looks like you could use a boost(SHO perhaps)(BM Treble Booster), or even 6-band eq.  The Tube Driver build was a fun one if you want a new expierence. 


Oooh, thanks guys. Keep 'em comin' - itchin to start a new project.

Dr Boogey - could be a goer, although is it possible to make one that doesn't hiss like a slashed tyre?

Envelope filter/neutron - interesting - I'd always dismissed these, probably unfairly, because I tend to think of pedals like the Boss autowah when I think of env-controlled filters, and I thought that Boss pedal was total crap. Any sound files of the neutron/mutron III anywhere?

Boost - not sure I really need one (for now), as my LTD can function as a clean/dirty boost and pushes my tube amps nicely.

PSU - I'm sorted for power already thanks.

You don't see too many "what should I build?" posts unless its a noob looking for a first build or someone looking to choose between various pedals of a similar type/function, so thanks all for being understanding and chipping in on this vague request for ideas.


Pisotones has some samples of the Mutron III.  They're about 3/4 of the way down the page... search for "sonido" in the text until you get there.


I quite like my nurse quacky envelope filter. There are sound clip of it if you google


Well, thanks for your suggestions all. Have decided to build a McMeat.......oh yeah.


Make the MXR Envelope Filter. I think it is the best sounding by far, and is often overlooked.