PT-80 delay time question

Started by arnod, April 16, 2007, 03:57:22 PM

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Hi everyone,

I've just finished building a PT-80 delay (General Gadgets guitar). What a wonderful sounding unit !
I've got a question regarding the delay time potentiometer : I wired it exactly as per the GGG schematic layout (pins 1 & 2 linked) but this way, turning the pot clockwise decrease delay time (fully clockwise is shortest delay time).
Am I wrong or it should be the opposite ?
I then linked pins 2 & 3 instead and now it's ok (fully clockwise is longest delay time).
Is this a mistake on the schematic or something I could have done wrong on the board ?
The pot (like the other two) is 50k linear (B50k) and not reverse log. The unit is working perfectly sound-wise.

How is wired the delay time pot for you PT-80 owners ?

sorry for my bad english
Arnaud (from France)


Well, I don't built PT-80, but in my PT2399 delay, clockwise means faster.

Just with every pot(at least most of them), clockwise means more. More repetitions, more volume, more  whatever- but of course, you can wire it as you like it most.

Mark Hammer

When it comes to clocks, usually the speed/rate of the clock is a function of a resistance determining how quickly a capacitor charges up....somewhere.  So, as the resistance gets smaller, the cap usually charges up faster, which translates into a higher clock rate and shorter delay time.

When you wire up the pot, ask yourself if the wiper is moving away from or towards the outside lug with the wire attached to it.  To have clockwise = longer delay, the wiper should be moving away from the lug with the other wire.