Skyripper. Help needed.

Started by GREEN FUZ, April 18, 2007, 03:12:12 PM

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I think I may have fallen at the first hurdle.

As I mentioned in a previous thread I am building the `07 version using basicaudios` layout. I`m trying to make sense of things by referring to the schematic and comparing it with the layout and also tungngruv`s perf layout. Being a slow learner it has only gradually dawned on me that the circuit is positive ground ( please correct me if I`m wrong ).

The point being, if I were to use NPN transistors is it just a matter of reversing the polarized caps and the battery to make it negative ground? From what I have read this can be a hit or miss solution. I know this question has been answered before in relation to fuzzfaces but input from anyone with experience of this particular circuit would be appreciated.


If you are using NPN trannies, reverse all the polarized caps, the battery and last, the diode. It will work fine that way.


Excellent!!!Thankfully I`ve only soldered 5 of the caps in and I was going to replace them with smaller ones anyway.

John Lyons

Tung's perf layout is similar to the PCB I made, both were based on an old PCB...
Tung's first Skyripper was NPN, should work fine with the polarized caps, the battery and the diode reversed.


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