DIY in a Wah Enclosure / What project?

Started by batlas, May 10, 2007, 03:45:37 PM

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I read a thread on hcaf awhile back where someone put a delay in a wah enclosure....i have 2 delays so thats not my first choice but atm it is looking pretty hot.

I have a dunlop crybaby laying around that I never use. Any cool ideas for a project to stick in it?
Im just looking for some ideas....links to some previsous projects or even schematics for a cool project too put in.

First post. Hi  ;)


I really like the way most delays sound in a feedback loop.  You can really get some layered trippy echoes going on.  I put a delay into a wah shell and wired in a feed back loop to the wah pot, so I can control how much layered echo/feedback while playing.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


Fuzz/distortion/overdrive pedal with the rocker controlling the drive, gain level etc?
How about a signal splitter/blend (A/B) with the rocker controlling how much signal goes to each amp?
Or a pan control with the rocker controlling the pan? IE: back = all the way left, forward = all the way right?
Foot operated rotary cab effect?


that's me!  i'll let you know how it turns out.. i should be finished wiring it up by this weekend...

it will be intersting to see how the wah pot behaves as a delay speed control... just to be safe, i drilled an extra hole to mount a "normal" pot to controll the speed, and i'm going to make it switchable... my biggest concern isn't so much the taper, it's the limited range the pot will be able to turn...

either way, i'll post a build report asap... as long as i don't have too many bugs to work out!



I've started an Uglyface which I want to put in a Wah enclosure.