Heat damaged op amp symtoms?

Started by LordOVchaoS, May 16, 2007, 02:03:26 PM

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Hello everybody.  I just modded an Ibanez TS7 and everything worked great until I installed an IC socket.  I thought I had some RC4558P's left but I can't find them!  Soooo... I tried to salvage the original chip in the pedal.  When I first hooked it up it didn't work, no sound, no power, no LED...  nothing.  I shook it a little and the pedal came on but sounded really bassy and distorted and there's a lot of noise when I stop playing.  If I shake it the power will go on and off.  Can the op amp being damaged actually keep the pedal from coming on?  I need to know, I have some more chips on order but if that can't cause the pedal to not turn on I need to figure out what else I did when I had it apart  :'(  HELP!


  I'd try testing for non-continuity [beep mode] look for no beeps between the OA pins, perhaps one has a trace over to the other one, starting between pin 1/2 then 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 etc.
  taking voltage measurements'll tell you something.
  Test for shorted battery clip terminals first...
  Diagnosing damage in opamp has always been a swap out affair for me, swap the questionable chip into a compatible socket [for dual oa, test the OA in a circuit with a socket wired for dual OA], that works with a good opamp/ie simple OA comparison in working circuit.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Does the LED glow bright when you take the chip out?


Ah, sorry guys.  Fixed it!  I went to Radio Shack and got a TL082.  Power came on and stayed on no matter how  hard I shook it.  BUT...  it still sounded like poo.  Got out the ohmmeter and lo and behold I somehow lifted a solder pad on the gain resistor just below the opamp.  I ran a little jumper wire from it over to the IC socket and it all works great!!!  The TL082 actually doesn't sound bad!  It doesn't seem to have quite dirt of the 4558 and it's a little less middy.  I could see where somebody could prefer this!  I personally like the mids that it has with a 4558 chip.  But...  all better guys!  Thanks for the advise!